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1. creating the file structure

Start by creating a root directory anywhere on your system. You can decide to create one "context-menu installer" for a lot of use-cases at once, or rather multiple of them for each case, which would imply multiple root directories.

The choice is just about convenience, or you don't bother having multiple .reg file to execute, or you want a single one for all your context-menus.

In that directory start by creating a first .frmb file arbitrary named ( ex: action.frmb).

As an example, here is a definitive structure of one of my use-cases:

│   abcinfo.frmb
│   ffmpeg-to-gifs.frmb
│   ffmpeg.ico
│       install.0001.reg
│       uninstall.0001.reg
│       abcinfo-verbose.frmb
│       abcinfo.frmb
    │   ffmpeg-togif.bat
    │   video-to-gif-interactive.frmb
    │   video-to-gif-presets.frmb

Which I use with the command :

python -m frmb ./root --target-dir ./root/.installers 

The whole example can be found at

the .frmb file.

Each .frmb file represent an individual menu in the "global" context-menu.


.frmb files are just regular .json files with a different extension.

Its content specify how to configure the menu in the GUI.

The name of the file matters as it is used in the path of the registry key. Fortunately Windows have no limitation on that side and allows for special characters.

Sorting Tip

This behaviour allow you to sort menus in the GUI. By default Windows sort them alphabetically where display.frmb would be uppermore than export.frmb. If you wanted the inverse you could instead use 01export.frmb and 02display.frmb.

Content of the file is bound to the json syntax and can be structured as follows :

  "name": "",
  "icon": "",
  "paths": [""],
  "command": [""]


Other keys are allowed but not used.

Used as label in the GUI. Any kind of string with any character.

A path to an absolute existing .ico file.

Must use backslackes which are escaped \\ in json.


  • path to a .exe file (their icon will be used by Windows)
  • environment variables like %MY_VAR%
  • tokens

List of Windows registry keys paths. The context-menu will be duplicated for each key path in the list.

Must use backslackes which are escaped \\ in json.

Example to create a context-menu only on files with the .abc extension:

paths = ["HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Classes\\SystemFileAssociations\\.abc"]

List of command line arguments executed when the menu is pressed.

Support tokens.

Example to start a terminal and echo a message:

command = ["cmd", "/k", "echo", "hello world"]

Be careful to properly escape anything that should be.

Example to start a .bat stored next to the .frmb file:

command = ["cmd", "/k", "\"@CWD\\\\scripts\\\\launcher.bat\""]


Some keys can have their value including a token that is replaced when the file is read.

A token is added to a string using the syntax @TOKEN_NAME.

Example: "@CWD\\file.ico" could be resolved to "D:\\os\\menus\\root\\file.ico"

The parent directory of the frmb file (with escaped backslashes).

The top-level directory of the context-menu hierarchy (with escaped backslashes).

If you need the @ character to be interpreted literally, you can escape it by doubling it.

Example: "@CWD\\file@@ROOT.ico" could be resolved to "D:\\os\\menus\\root\\file@ROOT.ico"


You can distinguish 2 types of frmb file :

  • root files are located directly in the root directory.

    they must always specify a paths key with at least one path.

  • nested files are at least one directory deep from the root directory.

    they do not need the paths key.

Which can be further refined in 2 additional types :

  • directory files have the same file name as a next-to directory.

    they do not need a command key.

  • lowest level files which represent a menu that will execute a command

    they need a command key else they are useless.


│   maketx.frmb  # root / lowest level   ffmpeg-to-gifs.frmb  # root / directory
       video-to-gif-interactive.frmb  # nested / lowest level
       video-to-gif-presets.frmb  # nested / directory
            togif-24fps-sd1-floyd.frmb  # nested / lowest level
            togif-50fps-sd1-sierra24a.frmb  # nested / lowest level

2. running frmb

frmb is mainly intended to be used as CLI but could also be used as a python library for advanced use-cases.

as a command line tool

Assuming python is installed and frmb is available in the PYTHONPATH:

python -m frmb --help
usage: frmb [-h] [--target-dir TARGET_DIR] [--debug] [--ignore-errors]

Convert file structures to right-click context menu for Windows.

positional arguments:
  root_dir              Path to an existing directory containing context-menu

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --target-dir TARGET_DIR
                        Path to an existing directory where the reg file must
                        be created. Default is root-dir.
  --debug               Output debug logging.
  --ignore-errors       Doesn't raise when errors are found. Use at your own

with the file structure example shared in the first section :

python -m frmb ./root --target-dir ./root/.installers 

the .reg files will then be found in ./root/.installers

as a python module

Check the public-api page for the documentation of available objects.

from pathlib import Path
import frmb

root_dir = Path("D:/some/dir")
hierarchy = frmb.read_hierarchy_from_root(root_dir)
reg_content = frmb.generate_reg_from_hierarchy(hierarchy)



At any time you can add have a look the unittests in tests/ for an actual example of the python API.

3. executing the reg files


Registry manipulation can lead to data loss. It is recommended to back up you registry before editing it.

The script execution should produce 2 .reg files at the specified location. One "install" the context-menu by adding reg keys while the other "uninstall" by removing the reg keys.

All the reg files are versioned and incremented on each run, based on the last found version on disk. This is a safety to ensure you can fully uninstall a previously installed context-menu after you run frmb with the updates to your hierarchy.


The logic here is simple, if you installed your context-menu with the install.0003.reg file, you MUST uninstall with the same version uninstall.0003.reg.

It is up to you to keep track of which version you used to install (you could create a wrapper script or something in that style).

4. updating the file structure

When you already installed the context-menu but wish to fix/bring modification to it.

Assuming frmb as been at least run once to produce the version 0001, the overall workflow is as follows :

graph LR
  up["update file structure"];
  ru["run frmb"];

There is nothing special here, you can just edit, add or remove your .frmb files. Then call frmb once satisified.

Make sure to respect what is mentioned in the above uninstalling section.


It is recommended to version-control your root directory. So you can track changes and revert to previous versions in case of issues.


If your hierarchy is version-controlled on GitHub, you can add a .gitattributes file to specify .frmb as being JSON for syntax highlighting: